Teach Long & Short Vowel Sounds in 5 Minutes with the BETTER Alphabet Song & Superhero Vowels®
Yes! It IS possible to teach those tricky long and short vowel sounds in just 5 minutes, if you know how to cheat the brain!
Learn all about the “BETTER Alphabet Song” for fast-tracking individual letter sounds, plus the Superhero Vowels® (and their short & lazy sounds!) for easy retrieval of those hard short vowel sounds!
When memories are supported by greater coordination between different parts of the brain, it’s a sign that they are going to last longer. The greater the distribution of signaling, the stronger the memory takes hold in our brain. Secret Stories® triggers multiple areas of the brain to engage simultaneously, sparking what is referred to as “multi-layered” memories for deeper learning and easier skill retrieval.

What’s “Used Together Becomes Fused Together” in the Brain!
“But Mrs. Mac, we don’t have TIME to go home!”
A Guest Post By Renee McAnulty
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Mrs. Mac’s First Graders Discovering the Secrets! |
Happy “New School Year” Folks!
I hope this post finds you well and enjoying a great start to a brand new year with your own new munchkins! The title of this post is actually a quote from one of my adorable kiddos at the end of the first school day, following my announcement that it was time to go home. Feeling a bit overwhelmed by all there was to do in this brand new first grade classroom, one of my sweet little boys said, “….but Mrs. Mac, we don’t have time to go home!” Now while I might feel this way on a regular basis, hearing one of my little guys actually say it out loud just made my whole week… so of course, I wanted to share it here with you!
After a long summer, I was actually excited to come back and to meet my new class! And I was even more excited to start telling them the Secrets that would transform them into successful readers and writers! I was literally having “Secret Stories-withdraw!” I was actually thinking over the summer about what my next guest blog post should be, based on the feedback and questions I’d received from my last one, and then it hit me! What is the one question I am constantly asked, “Where do I start?!?!” (And if you want to watch Katie talking about this, you can check out her official “How-To” for Starting with the Secrets here, or by clicking on the video, below.)
So sit back, relax…. and we will show you how we get started…..
The “Better Alphabet Song” for Individual Letter Sound Mastery
The Superhero Vowels® and their ‘Short & Lazy’ Sound-Disguises
Stories Act as Strong “Memory-Holding” Templates in the Brain
Superhero A and His ‘Short & Lazy’ Sound-Disguise
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Superhero Vowels® “a” (and his “short & lazy” sound!) Secret Stories® Guided Reader— My Classmates |
Superhero E and His ‘Short & Lazy’ Sound-Disguise
Superhero E (and her “short & lazy” sound!) Secret Stories “Fun & Funky” Posters |
Superhero I and His ‘Short & Lazy’ Sound-Disguise
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Superhero I (and his “short & lazy” sound!) Secret Stories® BETTER Alphabet Anchor |
Superhero U and His ‘Short & Lazy’ Sound-Disguise
Superhero U (and his “short & lazy” sound!) Secret Stories Superhero Vowels® & More! |
Superhero O and His ‘Short & Lazy’ Sound-Disguise
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Superhero O (and her “short & lazy” sound!) Secret Stories Superhero Vowels® Headbands |
Secret Stories® targets the earlier-developing and more readily accessible affective (feeling) networks for short vowel sound mastery by engaging learners in dramatic actions/feelings-based cues/gestures that literally “land” them in the sounds! In this way, it becomes possible to bypass areas of inherent early (and struggling, upper-grade/ELL) learner weakness (i.e. auditory processing, articulation, language delays etc…) and tap into alternative areas of strength.
This “backdoor-to-the-brain” approach to skill mastery is a hallmark of Secret Stories® and is just one of the ways that it accelerates early learner-access to the code, starting in PreK!
One of the great things about encouraging the kids to tell and retell the Secrets is that doing so provides continuous opportunities for everyone—high, medium and low-level learners— to pick them up and start using them at their own pace. While my more experienced students immediately
“get” the short vowel sounds by simply retelling the story (some of which are literal dissertations!) my slower (and non-native English speakers) are actually accessing the short vowel sounds from a different place, relying more strongly on the visuals (posters) and dramatic action cues/gestures to retrieve the sounds.
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Prompting Formation of Multi-Layered Memories with Multi-Sensory Instruction |
Mommy E® (a.k.a. Silent E)
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Secret Stories Mommy E® Digital Pack on TpT |
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Secret Stories® Book Version 2.0! |
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Secret Stories Mommy E®-support in the FREE Common Core Literacy Poster Sets for Grades PreK-3rd |
Phonics Transfer to Writing
One trick that we use all the time that I want to share is how we transfer the Secrets into our writing. Applying the Secrets in writing from the very beginning really helps the kids grasp the inherent connection between reading and writing— one that beginning readers don’t naturally perceive.
My little trick is called “Chin-In” and the kids love it! The process is simple…
I ask students to draw three lines (on individual white boards, paper, etc…) and then I give them a three-letter word, like cut. I then ask them to segment-out and write each of the letter sounds they hear on a different line, reminding“there are three letters in the word and that is why we made three lines.” After the kids have finished writing the sounds they hear on the lines, they cover their word so no one else sees it. Then, when I say “Chin it!” they all hold up their words so that I can see them. This allows me to see right away who understands how to apply the Secret and who doesn’t.
Quick, easy, and to the point! All I have to do is make some quick notes, and BAM! I know with whom and on what I can work in small groups!
“Chinning-It!” |
When I teach the Mommy E® Secret, I have the kids draw FOUR lines, telling them, “The last line is for Mommy!” They know when Mommy E® is at the end of a word (or one letter away from another vowel, where she can easily reach it!) she will always make the vowel do what it should and say its name!
The four lines for Mommy E® words serve as a visual reminder that there can be letters in words that you don’t hear. This is a tremendous help, especially with ELL and non-readers, as they all LOVE to draw the arrow from the Mommy E® to the vowel that she’s telling to say its name!
As a super bonus, Katie includes a list of words in the back of the Secret Stories book for each Secret sound/letter pattern. These lists are great! Not only for measuring student proficiency with specific Secrets in guided group, but also as a sort of Secret Word Bank from which you can quickly pull words for targeted activities or instruction, like the Mommy E one with my class, above.
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Secret Stories® Book Version 2.0! |
Babysitter Vowels® (a.k.a. “Open Syllable vs. Closed Syllable”)
The most beautiful thing about this logical learning process is that I get to see these babies grow so quickly from writing and spelling simple three and four-letter words, to writing multi-syllabic words with “10 letters-plus” in a matter of only a few months!
And I waste no time in extending the Secret they know about Mommy E® with the one about the Babysitter Vowels®, which catapults their reading and writing to a whole new level! Kids in kindergarten understand the Babysitter Vowels® just as easily as they do Mommy E® because they are both based on the same “Do what mommy (or the babysitter) says!” …..even if they aren’t yet ready to understand it in “V-C-V / V-C-C-V” terms!
The Superhero Vowels®, Mommy E®, Babysitter Vowels® (and Sneaky Y®, which I didn’t talk about, but you can read about here!) are what Katie refers to in her sessions as “high-leverage” Secrets, as they provide beginning readers and writers with SO much bang for the instructional-buck! You can watch her speak about these in the video clip below and then start playing around with these in your classroom, too!
And thanks to Katie’s ongoing invitation to post here throughout this school year, I’ll have the chance to share our amazing transformation into “grown-up” readers, writers and spellers with all of you!
Thanks so much for reading, and I look forward to answering your questions, so please post them!!!
Mrs. Mac
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This is me with my “BETTER Alphabet” Mini-Mat! LoL! |
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FREE Secret Stories® Mini-Poster Sample Pack |
The Secret Stories “Superhero Vowels® & MORE!” Digital Bundle |
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Secret Stories Phonics Classroom Kit (“Funk & Funky” style) |
Once you start telling Secrets, there will be no turning back— for you OR your students! They will start questioning EVERYTHING about letters and the sounds that they make…. because they know that you have ALL their Secrets! Whenever and wherever your students spot letters not doing what they should, they will demand to know its “secret”…..so be prepared!
A “Post-Script” from Mrs. Mac
I had to share!
Today was the first day that the Secret Stories showed up in their writing INDEPENDENTLY!!!!
I had three different students raise their hand as if it were an emergency— one had discovered a Sneaky Y while writing the word tricky, and the other two heard and identified the “er” and “ir” Secrets when writing the words dirty and number ……. And sooooo it begins….(insert evil laugh here) ;)
Never Miss a Secret! Subscribe to the Newsletter!
Secret Stories® Makes Phonics Make SENSE!
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This looks like a really good fit with my daily phonics and helpful to my struggling students! I'd LOVE to be a winner! Thanks!
I am a homeschool mom with two children that have been tested and diagnosed with dyslexia. I BELEIVE these secret stories would work miracles for them, as it uses the back door approach to learning. I would love to win this for them. Seeing as how I do not have a FB or Pinterest account, I'm hoping my one comment will win this for my children and I!
I'm using the Secret Stories for the first time this year and so far my students LOVE them!
I will be trying out your mommy e secret stories next week. I can't wait. Thanks for sharing.
I bought the parent/home version and created a traveling bulletin board with the cards and a science tri-fold board. It would be wonderful to have a class set of posters to put up in one of the rooms I use so I can leave the poster board in the other room. I do reading intervention with Kindergarten through 6th grade. I see how much the stories help and can't recommend them highly enough.
I just discovered this and think it would be perfect to use with my Title I students!!
It will work wonders for daily phonics!!! They will All love this program!!!!
I have recently been hired on as a first year first grade teacher. I am very excited and I really want to implement the secret stories in my class. I also want to share this great resource with my new team. I first learned about the secret stories while I was student teaching and the students really had fun learning them.
I am an elementary school reading specialist and have been using bits and pieces of the secret stories with my struggling readers for a few years now. I'm not sure if I am doing it 100% the way it is supposed to be implemented (since I do not own the full kit…only bits and pieces.) But, what I have used, I feel has positively impacted my students! I would LOVE to win the kit and see what happens when the program is implemented in full!! Thank you for such a wonderful program!
Using the secret for the first time, Gr. 1's are getting it!