This was such a fun way to practice the Secret Stories! ... See MoreSee Less
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Heather Richardson
Love this!!
Love this! I will steal it ;)
Kathleen, this looks like a fun idea!
Great idea!
Linda Brim Noble 1st graders tomorrow!!! Get them rolling with these secrets!
Jen, Ashley!
Kristina Kreger. I have the little cards!
Sarah Sanchez Denise Nesbitt Gibson ❤️
Lexi Vickers
Can’t wait to do this with my class!
I giggle every time the kiddo says “I got more again!” 😀
Madison Cate May Lauren Dorman Sherry Cate Sara-Matt Rabjohn
Cynthia Eslteacher , Samantha Courson Taylor, Natalie Sauls
Toni DeBernardi cute idea for next year!
Gage Burke I’m doing this with my class tomorrow! I love this idea!
Kelly Ann Smith
Heidi VigarioRebekah Knee Carvalho Krissy Lorz
Love this idea!
Can’t wait to try this!
Adriana Sobrepera
As if we need another reason to show how amazing and versatile Secret Stories are! 🙂 What a fun idea! Thanks for sharing!!!!
What a fun idea!!!
I am thinking of buying Secret Stories, what do y'all recommend?
I'm curious if some Science of Reading people have a beef with Secret Stories. I was surprised to find my post on Science of Reading Grade 1/2 was removed when I recommended Secret Stories to someone who was asking for recommendations for resources to spend money on. I asked why but that was removed too. My first experience with having anything removed. 😯 ... See MoreSee Less
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I LOVE Secret Stories.... and so do my students! Since it isn't a curriculum, but rather supplements any explicit, systematic SOR curriculum you are using, I personally think SS and SOR mesh together perfectly!
I’ve had it removed also.
I’ve had this happen two times! I’m confused to why also!
I had a post removed about secret stories in an SOR group as well.
My kids love them!
Maybe it could be considered advertising. 🤷♀️ ❤️❤️❤️SS!!!
Yes. I left that group. Super judgmental
I had the same thing happen to me. When I asked why they said it was because I was trying to sell the secret stories. 🤷♀️ All I did was suggest it as a teaching tool
Are they selling their own curriculum?
Some of those groups are just plain mean. I left one because anytime someone asked a question or had a differing opinion, they attacked like sharks. I am all about SOTR, but I am more about kindness!
Yes. The SOR group will remove posts about Secret Stories. Very frustrating, especially when they allow people to post about other TPT products.
Not sure! I had one deleted because I referenced a TpT product...that multiple people have since referenced! Since the seller and I share the same name, maybe they thought I was self-promoting? Who knows. Wonder why they deleted your comment. Wish they would tell you.
Personally I think they don’t like how popular SS are and how so many of us love how they compliment SOR.
That’s so strange because Jen Jones from Hello Literacy talks about Secret Stories all the time, and she is doing SOR trainings?
Secret stories are great to supplement with. Children connect with information and construct knowledge in different ways. I use songs and stories as well as SOR to teach sounds and spelling patterns. I add gestures to songs or chants. Kids can act out the stories. It’s just another way of differentiation and being sensitive to different students’ learning styles and intelligences. The more of the brain you activate during learning the more kids will learn in a way that sticks.
It’s all about $$. Apparently SOR doesn’t want anyone else to get a piece of the pie. Secret Stories is AMAZING in my opinion. During summer school, just by playing the better alphabet song a couple of times a day, my colleague’s class of kinders knew all of their sounds (in 3 weeks time).
I have had it removed from the science of reading what I should have learned in college page. It said something about promoting products, BUT several products are promoted and SS does have research to back it up.
It’s always being spoken about in here. Not sure why.
My posts about SS were removed twice. I chose to leave the group.
I was told it’s “advertising “ a product …. Which is not allowed.
I had a post removed and I happened to have mentioned Secret Stories in it too. I wasn’t sure why it was removed. Thanks for sharing this.
That’s odd. The only thing I can think of is the fact that it’s not really a systematic system. It is meant to supplement core instruction. ❤️
I love secret stories! I really can’t understand why it would be removed because it falls into SOR when you think about it.
It happened to me. I was told that the Secret Stories doesn’t align with SOR in this particular groups opinions
I am a complete believer in Science of Reading and have had a lot of training and PD in that area. I started using Secret Stories in January and have seen more growth in my students in three months than I’ve ever seen before. The stories are all about phonics, they actually make it easier for young kids to understand these complicated rules
This is hilarious and amazing at the same time! I never imagined my Kindergarteners being able write so well. Thank you Secret Stories! ... See MoreSee Less

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